Simple Nand Flasher 1.3 BETA

Swizzy sigue trabajando activamente en la 360 y en su nueva versión de Simple Nand Flasher. Como recordatorio, esta aplicación le permite volcar y flashear cualquier nand para JTAG o RGH, cómo Rawflash, pero sin estar bajo Xell, ya que está en formato. Xex.
El modo automático permite introducir en un archivo de comandos, realizar automáticamente las acciones deseadas.

Se describen en el archivo readme.
Simple 360 NAND Flasher By Swizzy v1.3 (BETA)

** Please note that this is an open BETA, it have been tested by me and a few friends, but… i don’t take any responsibility for possible bricks, make sure you understand this before you use this new version! **

* Requirements *
- A Hacked Xbox 360 (JTAG/RGH or similar)
- A nand dump to write or just enough space to save your nanddump on whatever
you use this app on
** For AutoMode: **
- A CRC32 hash of updflash.bin (in file updflash.crc32)
- A File named « simpleflasher.cmd » containing a command described in the secton
« AutoMode » below

* What it does *

- It’ll flash your motherboards nand with the supplied image (updflash.bin) using rawflash v4 or rawflash4g v1
- It’ll dump your motherboards nand with to flashdmp.bin using rawdump v1 or rawdump4g v1

* AutoMode *

Below is a list of commands followed by an explanation of what it does:
read – Dumps nand to flashdmp.bin and generates a CRC32 hash in flashdmp.crc32
dump – ^ same as above
write – Writes updflash.bin to nand (if CRC32 hash matches)
flash – ^ same as above
safe – Safeflash (dump + write) requires CRC32 hash like write, but dumps to
recovery.bin instead
exit – Just exit the app, mainly meant for just extracting CPUKey…
reboot – Reboots the whole console, mainly meant for FSD plugin updates
In order for these features to actually work you have to write any of the above keywords/commands in a file called « simpleflasher.cmd » This file is read on launch and deleted once read (NOTE: It’ll ONLY read 1 line!)

* CPUKey Extraction *
It’s finally here, i could’ve had it working a long time ago, i just didn’t get the test app working… and decided to put it aside for a while…
This feature will not work on every dash, old ones will most likely not work, it uses a peek feature introduced by Dashlaunch a while back, i don’t know when, nor does cOz remember when… Etheir way, if it doesn’t work it’ll post a message to you saying that you’ll have to use xell…

* Credits *
- cOz Thanks for all the help you constantly give me with just about everything, and thanks for rawflash!
- Thanks to xvistaman for helping me solve that one last error i had with corona4g writes! i owe you
- Thanks to blaKcat for listening to me about security stuff, CRC32 hashes etc. and not releasing the modified version before my official one
- Thanks to everyone that has helped me test it!: Jonblu @ Consoleopen, Sileandro and Razkar And others that i don’t know the name of…
- Thanks also goes to who ever it was that ported rawflash to SDK in the first place and making it open source!
- Thanks also to everyone that reports bugs and/or errors in ALL my apps

* Future features *
- Standalone Network controls (AutoMode was designed for AutoGG’s network updates and requires FTP access with App Execution)

* Changelog *

v1.3 (BETA)
- Added: Auto/Manual mode, it can now do things straight away rather then waiting for user input…
- Added: CPUKey Extraction this is done before it asks what to do, or even reads automode files…
- Added: It’ll display the currently running dashboard version for you (Useful when dumping/updating to see what’s running atm)
- Fixed: Output log will nolonger include anything that starts with « \r » meaning anything that reports status…
- Changed: Changed the text color to gold (0xFFFFD700)
- Changed: Font size is now smaller, and i’ve changed the font from Verdana to X360 by Redge
- Changed: The console will now hard-reset itself rather then power off (same way as a normal Xbox 360 update do)
- Changed: It’ll now clear the screen before it starts reading/writing, giving you a more clear picture of what’s going on
Descargar Simple Nand Flasher 1.3 Beta

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